Conditions Treated

  • Including cervical, thoracic, lumbar, or sacro-iliac joint dysfunction.

    Back pain is the most common ailment seen in most therapy practices, and it’s no wonder! Our species has evolved from foraging in the wilderness to “work-from-home”, sedentary lifestyles. Simple analysis of the spine’s anatomy (and that of the entire skeleton, for that matter) tells us our bodies were intended to move, and frankly, we’re pretty bad at that as modern-day humans. The spine is the center of us, and unfortunately bears the burden most of the time.

    I integrate pilates principles into my treatment such as core control, axial elongation, and spinal articulation combined with manual therapy as appropriate in order to help you achieve the stability and mobility where you need it. Treatment will range from remedial interventions to preventative care to build up a more resilient spine in the long run.

  • Including - but not limited to - osteopenia, osteoporosis, scoliosis, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

    Bones respond to load placed upon them. It is widely known that as we age, our bone density decreases. For some of us, this progression can be more pronounced and we may end up with a diagnosis of osteoporosis/osteopenia. With the guidance of a skilled clinician, I use Pilates as a safe and gentle means for people with low bone density to build bone density and overall strength, while ensuring your safety.

    For those suffering from isolated or global joint pain, I will guide you through strengthening of tissues surrounding the joints as well as gentle, pain-free mobility in order to fortify the joint structure, bring blood flow and healing, and effectively relieve joint pain.

  • Including hip, knee, foot/ankle dysfunction.

    Dealing with a lower extremity issue can be extremely debilitating. Functional activities that may be impacted include daily activities such as walking, standing, sitting, transitional movements (floor <> stand, sit <> stand), and more.

    Assessment will include gait and functional movement analyses, foot mechanics/structure assessment, balance, and anything else specific to your body or lifestyle demands. Treatment will emphasize, but not be limited to, optimizing joint congruency throughout the lower extremity, proximal progressing to distal joint stability, passive and active soft tissue mobility techniques, and improving overall body awareness.

  • Common conditions include labral tear, subacromial impingement and rotator cuff tear/strain.

    Upper extremity athlete or not, shoulder dysfunction can impact our lives so much more than one would imagine. Not only do we use our arms constantly throughout the day to reach for or carry things, but its direct connection to our chest leaves it victim to whatever posture we choose to assume at our trunk.

    Treatment will include a heavy focus on spinal articulation, posture training, core control, chest expansion, in addition to general upper extremity mobility and strength.

  • Had a fall (or a “close call”) recently that caught you off guard? Feeling less confident participating in activities you once enjoyed?

    If these thoughts sound familiar to you, you’re in the right place. It is widely known that our balance gets worse with aging, but I’m here to tell you it’s not a fact you simply have to accept. Just like any function of our bodies, “if you don’t use it, you lose it.” Challenging your balance is an essential part of a well-rounded, comprehensive fitness program. I will guide you toward finding your confidence again by identifying your true limits of stability, as well as addressing any limitations you have so you can move those limits closer to your goals.

  • Including - but not limited to - the following: stroke, brain injury, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Peripheral Neuropathy, Functional Neurological Disorders

    I assess the influence of multiple systems (including motor, sensory/proprioceptive, vestibular, and coordination) on the body and treat deficits according to where patients are at in their recovery process, as this changes dependent on how long conditions have been present for. Using an assistive device or require assistance from a caregiver for mobility? Reach out so we can ensure you have a positive movement experience.


Image credit: Abram Katz


What to Expect

Whether your issue is acute, chronic, or post-operative in nature, we work together to cater your program to your specific needs. Athletes or novice movers alike will receive guidance from a skilled professional to gradually meet the goals we’ll develop for you together. I approach each client experience as not only your coach, but your team member; I want to know what matters to YOU! Be prepared to discuss your movement goals at the time of your initial evaluation.

Part of the evaluation process is identifying your readiness to change. We all show up to doctor’s offices with the expectation to receive - be it a remedy, procedure, check-up, etc. While you can absolutely expect to receive quality care, I expect you to also participate in the process. What does that mean? This varies for everyone, but at the minimum I need to know that you’re willing to be a part of the solution to whatever problem you’re coming in to see me for. That is essential for achieving success through my services.

For each of the conditions listed above, treatment will go beyond your specific area of problem and identify/address related sources of concern in other regions of the body, so that you leave with full-body empowerment. I will meet you where you are at with movement and symptoms, and gradually progress you toward functional movement so you leave ready to climb that mountain, ski that hill, walk around that block, or _________ (fill in the blank yourself!).